本所簡介 Introduction










Institute of Clinical Medicine was founded by the first director, Benjamin N Chiang, in 1986. It was then succeeded by Cha-Li Yu, Shing-Jong Lin, Jaw-Ching Wu, Shie-Liang Edmond Hsieh, and Teh-Ying Chou. The current director is Professor Chin-Tien Wang.
In the beginning, students entered this institute were limited to attending physicians with a purpose of training in integrative study in clinical medicine, basic science, and advanced study for a Ph.D. degree. In 2000, a master program for physicians was established. In 2004, a Ph.D. program focusing on molecular medicine was founded for non-MD master students who have bio-medical backgrounds.


  • Encourage promising young physicians and students to enter the institute.
  • Strive for sufficient space and budget.
  • Invite and appoint outstanding teaching staff with diverse and complementary research experience.
  • Organize integrative research teams to investigate various aspects of basic medical sciences, as well as translational and clinical research with international competing capabilities.
  • Establish master’s degree programs for molecular medicine and genetic counseling.

Course Description

In the post-genomic era, we aim to educate and train young physicians and scientists to face the ever-growing emergent diseases. Clinical research will not be limited in the observation and analysis of manifestations and courses of patients. Instead, in depth investigations of functions and regulations of disease genes, molecular pathogenic mechanisms of diseases, interactions of genes with environments or pathogens will become the main stream of research. The teaching program will be thus arranged to equip students with advance research methods, independent and logic thinking and research capability. Particular emphasis will be on molecular mechanisms of diseases and staying on the cutting-edge of the latest medical developments, to strengthen students’ niche in scientific competitiveness.

Research Achievements

There are several collaborative and multi-disciplinary research projects, focusing on cardiovascular, cancer, stem cell research and infectious diseases, among faculties in our institute and Taipei-VGH. These disease oriented programs with the emphasis of translation research have resulted in more than 625 publications for the last 16 years, including several high impact factor papers published in, for example, Nature Cell Biology and Hepatology.